Loki-Norse Trickster statue made from a new process of using part bronze and part resin. Result is a stiking finish. Statue is 35cm tall.
Loki is the Norse god of fire, as well as of trickstery. He is the son of two giants, Fárbauti (cruel striker) and Laufey (or Nál which means "needle", implying that she was skinny and weak.). His two brothers (in which were to be beside him in Ragnarok) are Býleistr (bee-lighting) and Helblindi (All blind or hel-blinder). He is referred to as the blood-brother of Odin. Loki becomes harbinger of Ragnarok and the father of the three chaos monsters: Fenrir, Jörmungandr, and Hel. Loki's mischief and intellect is not to be underestimated, as he is ultimately although indirectly responsible for the deaths of Balder and Thor, which were caused by Hodr and Jörmungandr (respectively).