Basic Crystal Properties

A Brief guide to the most popular crystals and their use.


AGATE - good luck, harmony, abundance, courage.

AMAZONITE - harmony, universal love, balancing energy.

AMETHYST - helps in channelling, heightens psychic abilities, excellent for meditation, a sedative, protection, heightens feelings of contentment, a stone of strength and peace.

AVENTURINE - motivation, imagination, creativity, leadership, prosperity and abundance.

CARNELIAN - emotional warmth, courage, happiness, past-life recall, creativity, self-esteem, memory, energy flow and vitality.

CITRINE - generosity, increases motivation, creativity, energizer, prosperity.

FLUORITE - unblocking energy, used as a psychic shield, balancing, protection.

GARNET - sensual energy, social popularity, expressions of desire, joy, self confidence, love and passion.

HEMATITE - grounding, excellent for the mind.

JASPER - protection, intensifies primal awareness.

LAPIS LAZULI - tranquility, increases psychic senses, sadness, grief, positive manifesting.

MALACHITE - sympathy and compassion for others, purification and releasing negative blockages, clean after use as it absorbs negativity.

OBSIDIAN - grounding, protective, healing, dispels negativity.

ONYX - self-control, centreing, intuitive guidance, assists in grieving process.

QUARTZ - meditation, healing, enhances the whole auric field, brings calm and clarity, strengthens the energies of other stones near to it.

ROSE QUARTZ - promotes love for all humanity - children, lovers and self, compassion, helps with healing emotional and childhood issues, and imbalances of the heart.

SMOKEY QUARTZ - protection, neutralizes harmful influences.

SODALITE - has a balancing effect on emotions and mental state, promotes self-expression and communication, increases confidence and creativity, eliminates confusion, helps with spiritual growth.

TIGERS EYE - courage, balance, protection.