All natural, traditional, sacred White Sage / Cedar smudge bundle.
White Sage / Cedar bundles clears out negative energy from you and your home/environment when burned. Please remember once the negative energy is released you'll need to replace that energy with positivity and good energy. This can be done by burning sweetgrass or lavender to name a few.
This Sage / Cedar Bundle is approximately 7" long and will last multiple smudging sessions when tamped out after each session. Our bundles are wrapped in 100% cotton cord.
When burning sage be sure to open windows to release the negative energy.
Our blended Sacred White Sage and Cedar smudge bundles add a variety to your smudging practices. When burned, the strong scent of the broad leaf Sacred White Sage relieves us of bad spirits, feelings, and negative energies. Cedar is believed to attract good spirits. This combo smudge is excellent for not just cleansing but raising energy vibrations at the same time. Plus it smells fantastic!