Vision Quest

Spirit Earth

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Vision Quest 7" sage bundle for smudging

Vision Quest Mix - Red Willow, Osha Root, Fennel, Mullein, Cascara Sagrada & Blue Sage

Use this sage smudge stick to remove negative or incompatible energies and vibrations from the environment.  Native Americans routinely use smudging as a vehicle for spiritual transformation, to raise vibration, and to purify a room, dwelling or space.  When sage is burned, the smoke releases negative ions, which allows purification to occur.

Traditionally, smudging herbs are indigenous sage, but sage may also be blended with other herbs, and tied into smudging bundles.  When a sage blend is burned, one enjoys the combination of the energetic vibrations from both the sage itself, and the herb it is blended with.

Burn your sage with reverence and respect for the tradition by following some simple steps:  Store your sage bundle in an abalone shell or clay pot, which should be kept at waist height or higher: Light the sage with a wooden match: Smudge in a clockwise fashion, beginning in the east side of the space:  immediately remove the burned ash from the area, placing it outside your dwelling.

Directions for burning sage: 

Light the sage with a wooden match and blow out the flame.  Wash your hands in the smoke and allow the smoke to billow around your body.  Now you are cleansed, and ready to repeat the process in your room. Now use the sage smoke to cleanse and purify your space by waving the smudge stick and spreading the smoke around with a smudge feather.  Speak your intention for purification while moving in a clockwise direction around your space, beginning in the east.

The ritual of sage smudging and purification is intension-based.  One does not have to perform the process exactly.  In fact, different Native American cultures may vary the process from tribe to tribe.  Know that if your heart is pure, the effort and intention will be enough.